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About Us

Marr Area Partnership (MAP) was established in 1998. It is a registered charity and is supported by a Board and its members. Membership is free and includes a subscription to our weekly eBulletin.

Members are also invited to attend our AGM. Click here to read our Articles of Association.

Our latest audited accounts can be found hereBrowse our 2023-24 Annual Report here.

The Marr Area Partnership Board 

Chair - Simon Blackett, Braemar Community Ltd

Simon has lived in Braemar for over 30 years. He worked as Resident Factor to Invercauld Estate until he retired a few years ago. He is chair of Braemar Community Ltd, a volunteer with Braemar Care and Braemar Community Hydro and a Board member of VisitAberdeenshire. He runs a tour company for visitors to Upper Deeside called Yellow Welly Tours.

Treasurer - Nigel Healey, Tarland Welfare Trust

Are you looking for a fulfilling, voluntary role as part of a small and enthusiastic team? We currently have a couple of vacancies for Board Members and it would be great if you could join us. You would have the opportunity to help shape MAP's future and have a say in how we direct our charitable funds. Please get in touch.

Jim Bruce

Jim is an experienced manager with extensive experience from within the construction industry including strategic analysis, contract negotiations, project management, process analysis, and safety/quality control. Keen on supporting and promoting volunteering, Jim is committed to enabling MAP to support the growth and development of third sector organisations, and the outcomes they deliver across Aberdeenshire.

Patricia Fraser

Patricia is a working farmer in Crathie . She previously worked for 25 years for Tourist Board until 2008 and has been involved in the Crathie Community organising events and clubs since 1970.  Patricia has grown up children and grandchildren and is very interested in people and places.

Patricia is a keen skier and hillwalker.

Gillian Needham, FRCP(Edin); FRCS(Edin)

Gillian is a retired medical doctor who remains active for NHS Grampian. She joined MAP as a board member in 2021 and is also a board member of NESCAN. Her areas of interest for MAP are Climate Change including Community Resilience Planning and Food. In her leisure time Gillian enjoys walking & cycling and painting and she is involved with numerous groups and organisations across Marr.

Bill Slee

Bill was a Science Group Leader of the Socio-Economics Research Group at the James Hutton Institute and previously worked at the University of Aberdeen in the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. He wants to help nurture a vibrant third sector and is particularly interested in the policies and practices needed for transition to a low carbon economy.  

George Wordie

George's day-to-day job is farming. He is chair of Strathbogie Community Council. He sits on three community wind farm panels and is also a director of the Royal Northern Agricultural Society.

Janice Smith

Janice is a retired Lecturer in Horticulture working latterly at NESCol with Learning Opportunities students. She is currently a Trustee and Secretary/Treasurer of The Glens of Foudland Windfarm Community Trust and is also a member of Tap O’Noth Community Council, Associate Member of Rhynie Charitable Trust and member of the Rannes Hall Management Committee.  With a lifelong interest in gardening, wildlife and conservation she hopes to promote more "grow your own" enterprises within the community area.

Margaret McNaught

Margaret has a variety of industry experience in banking and marketing and she is passionate about supporting people to achieve.  In 2019, she set up and directs TRE-Life a Training, Resilience and Enterprise community interest company supporting people in Grampian to overcome barriers and help them move forward into positive destinations. Margaret is a committee member of Kinord Hall in Dinnet. 

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Ground Floor

Albert Memorial Hall

Station Square Ballater

AB35 5QB

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